


这个故事发生于法国十八、九世纪,与《欧也妮·格朗台》社会背景差不多,整个社会充斥着欺骗、虚荣、浮华与奢侈。人们都希望靠着一些名门望族的关系跻身上流社会,从而获得一些虚荣与满足,却不惜牺牲他人的利益,甚至更为惨重的代价。高老头是巴尔扎克塑造的一系列富有典型意义的人物形象之一,它是封建宗法思想被资产阶级金钱至上的道德原则所战胜的历史悲剧的一个缩影。高老头是个面粉商,在革命期间卖面粉赚了一大笔钱。他在女儿出嫁时一人给了六、七十万的家产,自己只留了五六万作养老金。随着岁月的流逝,两个女儿渐渐对父亲产生了厌恶,把他赶出了自己的圈子。她们以父亲为耻,盼着父亲早一点死去,但表面上却说出种种托词来假意的安慰他。她们像是一个吸汁机,吸干了父亲,把剩下的残品急于扔掉。儿女都是父母养大的,女儿的所作所为,高老头都看在了眼里。这可怜的老头是那么失望、孤独,他为此可以说是已经肝肠寸断了。但无论女儿怎样做,怎样一次又一次的令他失望,他的父爱却是永恒的。当他听说他的女儿在外面欠了大笔债务的时候,他宁愿把自己最珍惜的银饰卖 掉为女儿还债,也不愿让女儿为此伤半点脑筋。那银饰可是他最值钱的东西了!卖了之后,他确实哭了,但他这样做并没有换取女儿的心。












the sun setting, i pull the curtain aside and open the window, taking a deep breath, and feeling the vicissitudes of life.

be faced with he money, great father is worth of nothing.

at that time, money is the capitalist new signs of the times, and father is just something that when the patriarchal clan system residual feelings.

concerning father’s love corroded by money, what's left? sighing…

saddened by her solitude in the falling dusk, she is assailed by wind and rain. i never thought that, they decided to choose money instead of love. extreme egoism flooded all moral principles. father goriot's property was bled white and abandoned. originally the spoiling under the money is so heartbreaking.

he was glowing with pain and memory, always hiding in the lonely grave.

obedient just quietly indulgence, in exchange for you is just being betrayed.

father goriot still adhere to love them, as in the past, there is no reason, nor whether it is worthwhile, maybe, in his heart, so this is love.

the story happened in the past, but affects the future.

in our society, who are the only children in us, and it is groeing up in the doting parents’ love ? the same is the interpretation of love, at different times, what is the difference? as children, to accept the same care, what difference does it make? the same parents, giving this selfless care, and usually in the father goriot "refuse to realize one's error"?

it is often said, “this is the product of the society”。 yes, the society originated from the people, for people in the final analysis, it is still the problem! human nature on the one hand is missing, that led to all the problems of society the arch-criminal.

their son is of far-reaching.

i've seen in a magazine that a story:

kim was born in a rich family. a few years ago parents opened the gold mine and accumulated vast wealth, becoming the richest man in the village. rich family make little kim be spoiled, and develop a wayward character that she love leisure and hate labour. she learned to smoke, drink alcohol, and spend a lot of money. in the countryside, her monthly expense is two thousand yuan, let the other kids out of,. when she was lack of money, she would ask parents for money, sometime little criterion thousands, but sometime over ten thousand. once, she told a lie to his father for money to buy things, opening, father he gave her a stack of $100 bills, count for more than 20000 pieces, less than two months, she will spend it all. when her mother repeatedly reprimanded her for this, she became so bitter. but without money, she even collaborated with her cruel boyfriend to kill her mother.

until now, i still have a lingering fear. as a child, how can she kill her mother who raised her for 10 years? is the situation that some people are lack of human nature really so serious? i think this is a true portrayal of "father goriot"in today's society.

maybe you are feeling better in today's society, the progress of the society. is there anybody that ever considered why tragedy in such a modern society is much more terrible than the chaos of the dark days in the old society?

i think that society is not the scapegoat of the dark and the stepping stone of tragedy!

i can still remember the time when i was seven years old. at the weekend, i go to grandma's house as usual. i hurry to eating lunch to rush down the stairs to play games with the children. an old man lived in the first floor with their own little yard with many flowers. then again at the spring, the flowers fill the yard. i don't know why, maybe possessive crazy filing my heart. no more hesitation and no longer afraid, i pick off the most beautiful flower. but when i get out off the yard, i fell down and crushed lots of flowers. i run away from the yard and go home. under mother's stern, i tell my mother the whole thing in detail after a few evasion .the thought of the coming armageddon was replaced by mother’s silence. she got up and pulled me, then went up to the old man’s home. i really fear the old man’s punishment. but it really surprised me much that the old men didn’t punish me .he gave me some flowers to prise my honest.

the road home seems to be long. along the way, my mother said to me a lot, and i kept nodding my small head .but i only remember that mother said such words: to be honest, be responsible; can not be greedy, can not be empty.

in hindsight, i know, this word express volumes. compared to the " father goriot " children, i was lucky. when i'm gone wrong in the prelude, there is mother’s diligently teachings wake me up. without being a spoiled and blindly condoned, i didn’t get increasingly fallen.()

perhaps, this is love.

to love is always delicately parallel with to be loved. wrong to give, will never be able to harvest the true. when love and being love are truly coordinated unification, you will understand the family growth.

you hold on your doting love and the indulgency make the end melancholy.

maybe, love…



the sun setting, i pull the curtain aside and open the window, taking a deep breath, and feeling the vicissitudes of life.

be faced with he money, great father is worth of nothing.

at that time, money is the capitalist new signs of the times, and father is just something that when the patriarchal clan system residual feelings.

concerning father’s love corroded by money, what's left? sighing…

saddened by her solitude in the falling dusk, she is assailed by wind and rain. i never thought that, they decided to choose money instead of love. extreme egoism flooded all moral principles. father goriot's property was bled white and abandoned. originally the spoiling under the money is so heartbreaking.

he was glowing with pain and memory, always hiding in the lonely grave.

obedient just quietly indulgence, in exchange for you is just being betrayed.

father goriot still adhere to love them, as in the past, there is no reason, nor whether it is worthwhile, maybe, in his heart, so this is love.

the story happened in the past, but affects the future.

in our society, who are the only children in us, and it is groeing up in the doting parents’ love ? the same is the interpretation of love, at different times, what is the difference? as children, to accept the same care, what difference does it make? the same parents, giving this selfless care, and usually in the father goriot "refuse to realize one's error"?

it is often said, “this is the product of the society”。 yes, the society originated from the people, for people in the final analysis, it is still the problem! human nature on the one hand is missing, that led to all the problems of society the arch-criminal.

their son is of far-reaching.

i've seen in a magazine that a story:

kim was born in a rich family. a few years ago parents opened the gold mine and accumulated vast wealth, becoming the richest man in the village. rich family make little kim be spoiled, and develop a wayward character that she love leisure and hate labour. she learned to smoke, drink alcohol, and spend a lot of money. in the countryside, her monthly expense is two thousand yuan, let the other kids out of,. when she was lack of money, she would ask parents for money, sometime little criterion thousands, but sometime over ten thousand. once, she told a lie to his father for money to buy things, opening, father he gave her a stack of $100 bills, count for more than 20000 pieces, less than two months, she will spend it all. when her mother repeatedly reprimanded her for this, she became so bitter. but without money, she even collaborated with her cruel boyfriend to kill her mother.

until now, i still have a lingering fear. as a child, how can she kill her mother who raised her for 10 years? is the situation that some people are lack of human nature really so serious? i think this is a true portrayal of "father goriot"in today's society.

maybe you are feeling better in today's society, the progress of the society. is there anybody that ever considered why tragedy in such a modern society is much more terrible than the chaos of the dark days in the old society?

i think that society is not the scapegoat of the dark and the stepping stone of tragedy!

i can still remember the time when i was seven years old. at the weekend, i go to grandma's house as usual. i hurry to eating lunch to rush down the stairs to play games with the children. an old man lived in the first floor with their own little yard with many flowers. then again at the spring, the flowers fill the yard. i don't know why, maybe possessive crazy filing my heart. no more hesitation and no longer afraid, i pick off the most beautiful flower. but when i get out off the yard, i fell down and crushed lots of flowers. i run away from the yard and go home. under mother's stern, i tell my mother the whole thing in detail after a few evasion .the thought of the coming armageddon was replaced by mother’s silence. she got up and pulled me, then went up to the old man’s home. i really fear the old man’s punishment. but it really surprised me much that the old men didn’t punish me .he gave me some flowers to prise my honest.

the road home seems to be long. along the way, my mother said to me a lot, and i kept nodding my small head .but i only remember that mother said such words: to be honest, be responsible; can not be greedy, can not be empty.

in hindsight, i know, this word express volumes. compared to the " father goriot " children, i was lucky. when i'm gone wrong in the prelude, there is mother’s diligently teachings wake me up. without being a spoiled and blindly condoned, i didn’t get increasingly fallen.

perhaps, this is love.

to love is always delicately parallel with to be loved. wrong to give, will never be able to harvest the true. when love and being love are truly coordinated unification, you will understand the family growth.

you hold on your doting love and the indulgency make the end melancholy.

maybe, love…






























