1、The Weather Report
the weather report
do you know the weather about tomorrow and the day after tomorrow?i can tell you. tomorrow it will be cool.you should wear more clothes.the day after tomorrow morning it will be rainy.you should wear raincoat and take out the umbrealla.in the afternoon there will be a typhoon.be careful everybody please!
本文作者简介 |
作者姓名 | 林丁丁 | 作者年龄 | 12岁零10个月 |
在读学校 | 沈阳22中学 | 在读班级 | 初一2班 |
性格特点 | 急躁 | 家庭成员 | 爸爸、妈妈 |
平时爱好 | 排球 | 平均成绩 | 90分 |
指导老师 | 罗玥 | 老师职务 | 班主任 |