看完《高老头》这本小说,我才真正深刻体会了这句名言 :父母恩情大于天!
如果有人会说:动物中羊尚有跪乳之情,乌鸦仍有反哺之孝;古代有“卧冰求鲤”的佳话;现在有“舍肝救母”的故事 。高老头的悲惨故事只是作者虚拟的,夸张而已。那你就错了,而且是大错特错!现实往往比你想象的更丑恶!浦东机场里留洋儿子因不满学费、生活费亲手捅死母亲;江苏灌云县同兴镇年近百岁的江姓老人,生有五子三女,因儿女不孝,两年多来只能生活在猪圈里,整天与一头母猪为伴,吃喝拉撒全在猪圈解决。而负责赡养她的儿子共有六个房间。直到被媒体曝光,老人才得以搬离猪圈;王荷英已经86岁高龄,行动不便,大小便失禁,也找不到哪家养老院愿意接收。可怜的老人就在四个子女中间被推来推去,这家住两个月,那家住几个月,过着饱一顿饥一顿的生活。一天老人被扔在楼下,爬到村委会的厕所里面去睡觉;辽宁省身患肝硬化、右侧肢体瘫痪等多种重病的于世荣,被自己女儿驱车600里后,扔在自己八旬老父门前;重庆一女儿当街暴打父亲,连扇生父十六个耳光;湖北一大学毕业生因嫌弃其父亲出身农村,拒绝父亲看孙子。
读了这本书,我觉得高老头是一个很了不起的父亲,他把自己全部的爱和财富给了女儿,是希望自己将来能有一个幸福 的晚年生活,但女儿却生在福中不知福,连起码的道德都做不到,让我又觉得高老头这样做太不值得了,他太可怜了。而那两个女儿让我觉得很可恨,也很为她们感到悲哀,自己的父亲那么爱她们,为她们创造了那么好的条件,但女儿们却从来都没有想过,她们的父亲为了女儿自己宁愿过着清苦的生活,可真是冰冷血肠的大怪物!
我曾读过一篇文章 ,三个不孝的儿女,要通过移植母亲的记忆,来摸清母亲遗留下来的家底,可是在母亲的级记忆里,他们看到了母亲的艰辛,母亲的伟大。天下的父母是同样的呀,他们为了儿女牺牲了自己的一切。
故事的是主人公拉斯蒂涅,讲述的是他步入社会后闯荡的经历,以及心理 思想的变化。在主人公思想性格的发展中,对他产生决定性影响的是三个人:鲍赛昂夫人,伏脱冷,还有那个被女儿榨干了财产,然后像柠檬一样被扔出门外的高老头。
人人应保有一份良知。即使社会再黑暗复杂,也是存在光明的。正如顾城的诗句 “黑夜给了我黑色的眼睛,我却用它寻找光明。
the sun setting, i pull the curtain aside and open the window, taking a deep breath, and feeling the vicissitudes of life.
be faced with he money, great father is worth of nothing.
at that time, money is the capitalist new signs of the times, and father is just something that when the patriarchal clan system residual feelings.
concerning father’s love corroded by money, what's left? sighing…
saddened by her solitude in the falling dusk, she is assailed by wind and rain. i never thought that, they decided to choose money instead of love. extreme egoism flooded all moral principles. father goriot's property was bled white and abandoned. originally the spoiling under the money is so heartbreaking.
he was glowing with pain and memory, always hiding in the lonely grave.
obedient just quietly indulgence, in exchange for you is just being betrayed.
father goriot still adhere to love them, as in the past, there is no reason, nor whether it is worthwhile, maybe, in his heart, so this is love.
the story happened in the past, but affects the future.
in our society, who are the only children in us, and it is groeing up in the doting parents’ love ? the same is the interpretation of love, at different times, what is the difference? as children, to accept the same care, what difference does it make? the same parents, giving this selfless care, and usually in the father goriot "refuse to realize one's error"?
it is often said, “this is the product of the society”。 yes, the society originated from the people, for people in the final analysis, it is still the problem! human nature on the one hand is missing, that led to all the problems of society the arch-criminal.
their son is of far-reaching.
i've seen in a magazine that a story:
kim was born in a rich family. a few years ago parents opened the gold mine and accumulated vast wealth, becoming the richest man in the village. rich family make little kim be spoiled, and develop a wayward character that she love leisure and hate labour. she learned to smoke, drink alcohol, and spend a lot of money. in the countryside, her monthly expense is two thousand yuan, let the other kids out of,. when she was lack of money, she would ask parents for money, sometime little criterion thousands, but sometime over ten thousand. once, she told a lie to his father for money to buy things, opening, father he gave her a stack of $100 bills, count for more than 20000 pieces, less than two months, she will spend it all. when her mother repeatedly reprimanded her for this, she became so bitter. but without money, she even collaborated with her cruel boyfriend to kill her mother.
until now, i still have a lingering fear. as a child, how can she kill her mother who raised her for 10 years? is the situation that some people are lack of human nature really so serious? i think this is a true portrayal of "father goriot"in today's society.
maybe you are feeling better in today's society, the progress of the society. is there anybody that ever considered why tragedy in such a modern society is much more terrible than the chaos of the dark days in the old society?
i think that society is not the scapegoat of the dark and the stepping stone of tragedy!
i can still remember the time when i was seven years old. at the weekend, i go to grandma's house as usual. i hurry to eating lunch to rush down the stairs to play games with the children. an old man lived in the first floor with their own little yard with many flowers. then again at the spring, the flowers fill the yard. i don't know why, maybe possessive crazy filing my heart. no more hesitation and no longer afraid, i pick off the most beautiful flower. but when i get out off the yard, i fell down and crushed lots of flowers. i run away from the yard and go home. under mother's stern, i tell my mother the whole thing in detail after a few evasion .the thought of the coming armageddon was replaced by mother’s silence. she got up and pulled me, then went up to the old man’s home. i really fear the old man’s punishment. but it really surprised me much that the old men didn’t punish me .he gave me some flowers to prise my honest.
the road home seems to be long. along the way, my mother said to me a lot, and i kept nodding my small head .but i only remember that mother said such words: to be honest, be responsible; can not be greedy, can not be empty.
in hindsight, i know, this word express volumes. compared to the " father goriot " children, i was lucky. when i'm gone wrong in the prelude, there is mother’s diligently teachings wake me up. without being a spoiled and blindly condoned, i didn’t get increasingly fallen.()
perhaps, this is love.
to love is always delicately parallel with to be loved. wrong to give, will never be able to harvest the true. when love and being love are truly coordinated unification, you will understand the family growth.
you hold on your doting love and the indulgency make the end melancholy.
maybe, love…
the sun setting, i pull the curtain aside and open the window, taking a deep breath, and feeling the vicissitudes of life.
be faced with he money, great father is worth of nothing.
at that time, money is the capitalist new signs of the times, and father is just something that when the patriarchal clan system residual feelings.
concerning father’s love corroded by money, what's left? sighing…
saddened by her solitude in the falling dusk, she is assailed by wind and rain. i never thought that, they decided to choose money instead of love. extreme egoism flooded all moral principles. father goriot's property was bled white and abandoned. originally the spoiling under the money is so heartbreaking.
he was glowing with pain and memory, always hiding in the lonely grave.
obedient just quietly indulgence, in exchange for you is just being betrayed.
father goriot still adhere to love them, as in the past, there is no reason, nor whether it is worthwhile, maybe, in his heart, so this is love.
the story happened in the past, but affects the future.
in our society, who are the only children in us, and it is groeing up in the doting parents’ love ? the same is the interpretation of love, at different times, what is the difference? as children, to accept the same care, what difference does it make? the same parents, giving this selfless care, and usually in the father goriot "refuse to realize one's error"?
it is often said, “this is the product of the society”。 yes, the society originated from the people, for people in the final analysis, it is still the problem! human nature on the one hand is missing, that led to all the problems of society the arch-criminal.
their son is of far-reaching.
i've seen in a magazine that a story:
kim was born in a rich family. a few years ago parents opened the gold mine and accumulated vast wealth, becoming the richest man in the village. rich family make little kim be spoiled, and develop a wayward character that she love leisure and hate labour. she learned to smoke, drink alcohol, and spend a lot of money. in the countryside, her monthly expense is two thousand yuan, let the other kids out of,. when she was lack of money, she would ask parents for money, sometime little criterion thousands, but sometime over ten thousand. once, she told a lie to his father for money to buy things, opening, father he gave her a stack of $100 bills, count for more than 20000 pieces, less than two months, she will spend it all. when her mother repeatedly reprimanded her for this, she became so bitter. but without money, she even collaborated with her cruel boyfriend to kill her mother.
until now, i still have a lingering fear. as a child, how can she kill her mother who raised her for 10 years? is the situation that some people are lack of human nature really so serious? i think this is a true portrayal of "father goriot"in today's society.
maybe you are feeling better in today's society, the progress of the society. is there anybody that ever considered why tragedy in such a modern society is much more terrible than the chaos of the dark days in the old society?
i think that society is not the scapegoat of the dark and the stepping stone of tragedy!
i can still remember the time when i was seven years old. at the weekend, i go to grandma's house as usual. i hurry to eating lunch to rush down the stairs to play games with the children. an old man lived in the first floor with their own little yard with many flowers. then again at the spring, the flowers fill the yard. i don't know why, maybe possessive crazy filing my heart. no more hesitation and no longer afraid, i pick off the most beautiful flower. but when i get out off the yard, i fell down and crushed lots of flowers. i run away from the yard and go home. under mother's stern, i tell my mother the whole thing in detail after a few evasion .the thought of the coming armageddon was replaced by mother’s silence. she got up and pulled me, then went up to the old man’s home. i really fear the old man’s punishment. but it really surprised me much that the old men didn’t punish me .he gave me some flowers to prise my honest.
the road home seems to be long. along the way, my mother said to me a lot, and i kept nodding my small head .but i only remember that mother said such words: to be honest, be responsible; can not be greedy, can not be empty.
in hindsight, i know, this word express volumes. compared to the " father goriot " children, i was lucky. when i'm gone wrong in the prelude, there is mother’s diligently teachings wake me up. without being a spoiled and blindly condoned, i didn’t get increasingly fallen.
perhaps, this is love.
to love is always delicately parallel with to be loved. wrong to give, will never be able to harvest the true. when love and being love are truly coordinated unification, you will understand the family growth.
you hold on your doting love and the indulgency make the end melancholy.
maybe, love…